3 Tips for Starting Your Calligraphy Business Instagram – Written Word Calligraphy and Design


3 Tips for Starting Your Calligraphy Business Instagram

Have you been thinking of starting your calligraphy business? Perhaps you already have and you're wondering how to further market yourself and your work. Well, I've got the best tip for you and that's utilizing your Instagram platform! 📱Crafting your Instagram would be a huge asset as it's such a visual platform. Instagram essentially acts as your second website and helps build brand trust and increase engagement between you and your target clients! It's a great tool for you to showcase your work, share more about who you are and your business. 

Now, I know it can be scary trying to figure out where to start. 

  • How many posts should I share in a week? 
  • Are reels effective?
  • How many stories is too much?
  • How do I keep up with engagement with my followers? 

I'm here to help you with all of it! You don't need a lot of following in order to have an effective calligraphy business Instagram account, but here are some of my tips and tricks to help start off on the right foot.

3 Tips for Starting Your Calligraphy Business Instagram

Want to Learn More?

I hope you enjoy watching this video, but if you want to learn more (because there's always SO much more to learn!) I share more about how to create an effective calligraphy business Instagram account in my online course, Calligraphy Business Kickstarter. There's so much more to Instagram than just posting pretty content, there's a whole creative strategy to it! Come join me as we unpack all that there is to building your Instagram for your business! 

Got questions? Send me a DM @writtenwordcalligraphy!

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