Episode 4: How I turned my calligraphy hobby into a business
I was on the hot seat on Episode 4 when I had to talk about how I turned my calligraphy hobby into a biz. This was part 2 of my mini-series on my story. Did you miss the Facebook Live on this? We’ve just posted the video up on our Youtube.
I talked about my journey on how I made the decision
I detailed the first things I did in order to start the business - from the legal stuff to the portfolio creation to marketing myself and social media marketing
I discussed some of the ways I made money as a calligrapher and what I ended up choosing as my path at the start of my journey.
I answered questions surrounding pricing and how not to work for free for our friends.
Answered a lot of questions from the audience, both live and from Instagram before we had our live!
Side note: Please don’t mind my voice - I lost it a few days beforehand but I was super grateful to get it back!